
RHONY Leah McSweeney Endorses Marianne Williamson For President … What In The????

Media Take Out Staff |

The Real Housewives of New York star Leah McSweeney is known for being shocking. So we really shouldn’t be that surprised by her latest antic … which is endorsing Maryanne Williamson for the 2024 Presidential election.

Leah McSweeney is a polarizing figure in the world of the Housewives. Some fans love her bizarre energy … and others hate her.

Candidate Marianne Williamson was featured on The Leah McSweeney Show, Leah’s new podcast, where the pair discussed everything from healthcare to why we need a “mother” in the White House.

A “progressive,” Williamson credits A Course In Miracles — a 1,000-plus-page text that advocates for love as a means of achieving spiritual transformation — as a major influence. She has also referred to the COVID-19 vaccine mandates as “Orwellian.”

While speaking to McSweeney the women covered a lot of topics. Discussing healthcare, Williamson points out the tragic number of people living with medical debt, arguing that this “costs just as much” as a public healthcare system ultimately would.

Marianne also discusses how she believes in the possibility of a “humane Capitalist society,” as well as how we need a “mother” in the White House – she must be up to date on current slang because she finishes the thought with “take that however you want.”

While McSweeney seems convinced of Williamson’s promises, it turns out she’s not the only celebrity to back the candidate. Alanis Morrisette and Jane Lynch are also fans.

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