
More Hateful Things From Gospel Singer Kim Burrell … Calls Churchgoers ’Ugly’ & ’Smelly’ … Plus Homophobic Remarks!

Media Take Out Staff |

Gospel singer Kim Burrell is continuing to face a huge backlash from her fans and her congregation – after old videos surfaced, showing Kim behaving in an un-Christian-like manner, Media Take Out has learned.

Kim went viral last week, after a video purporting to show her telling her church followers not to be friends with poor people. Kim apologized for her comments, and claimed that her words were “taken out of context.”

Well Media Take Out uncovered more videos – with Kim saying more things that are very controversial. In one sermon she gave, from many years ago, she blasted members o her church for smelling badly. Look:

In yet another video, which Media Take Out uncovered, Kim called out members of her church for being “ugly.” Listen:

And in more videos – which may be the most problematic for Kim – she expressed some controversial opinions on homosexuality – and the pace of gays in the church. Kim has recently walked back her anti-gay past comments.

But while she may be able to live down the first few comments, the alphabet crew isn’t likely to let her slide with this:

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