The drama surrounding talk show queen Wendy Williams’ Lifetime documentary is getting more disturbing. Wendy, who made an estimated $10M a year as a talk show host was paid only $100,000 an episode for the devastating Lifetime documentary – which showed her at her worst.
As Media Take Out reported, people close to Wendy believe that she was exploiting and tricked into participating in the documentary. They took advantage of Wendy’s impacted mental capabilities – and tricked her into signing the legal paperwork.
Media Take Out confirmed that Wendy was promised a hundred thousand an episode or the disturbing Lifetime documentary slammed as exploitive by critics and fans.
In recently filed court documents, Wendy, 59, was paid only $100,000 per episode in the four-part documentary. The harrowing tv show exploited Wendy, showing her in the confusing throes of dementia.
The payment plan was set out in an 18-page contract Wendy allegedly signed in early 2023 shortly before she was diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia –the same disease that impacts action hero Bruce Willis.
But Wendy suffers from another debilitating ailment also – alcoholism. Media Take Out can confirm that Wendy is intoxicated virtually every waking hour, and was likely intoxicated when she signed
This is a whole mess … that is gearing up to be a very costly lawsuit for Lifetime.