
Watch The Aries Spears & Tiffany Haddish Video Behind Lawsuit .. It’s VERY Bad … Could Face Criminal Charges!

Media Take Out Staff |

Media Take Out reported yesterday that comedians Tiffany Haddish and Aries Spears were being sued by a woman, who claimed that the comedians “abused” her two children while filming an inappropriate “comedy” video.

Well Media Take Out has access to the video – and it is VERY disturbing. Actually to call the video very disturbing is an understatement … It’s F**KING CRAZY!!

A Texas mom who is suing Aries and Tiffany is claiming that the two comedians tricked her into allowing her children to participate in a video, which the mother claims was ”inappropriate.”

Tiffany and Aries lawyers have responded to the reports of a lawsuit, calling it “a money grab.”

Well Media Take Out located the video online – it was posted on Youtube for many years – and we reviewed it. It’s extremely disturbing and triggering. We’re not quite sure how Tiffany and Aries can explain it.

Aries Spears

We’re linking to the video below, but we warn you it is VERY triggering, and will likely mess up your entire day. Take caution before clicking the link.

LINK TO THE Tiffany Haddish AND Aries Spears VIDEO

In the video, which is entitled “The Mind Of A P*doph*le” Aries plays a creep who watches a 7 year old boy. The skit is supposed to be comedy, but the imagery is so disturbing – it’s difficult to see the humor in it.

In the video – which plays R Kelly’s music – the video shows various close ups of the young boy and worse.

In fact, the video is SO bad, that it could potentially lead to criminal action being brought against the comedians – at least that’s what some folks on social media are hoping.

Media Take Out has learned that after seeing the video, multiple people on social media have contacted the authorities and are requesting that Aries and Tiffany get prosecuted for some type of crime.

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