
T-Pain Used To Get Paid Every Time An Artist Used Auto-Tune

Lyndon Abioye |

T-Pain is known for making auto-tune popular and the rapper says that at one time, he would get paid every time an artist used it on a track.

“That shit came out of everywhere after that. I don’t think it worked out the way he thought it was gonna work out,” he told DJ Drama.

“Is it true that there was a point and time where you got paid off of anytime anyone would use Auto-Tune?” Drama inserted.

“Yeah. Absolutely. It was nuts, it was real crazy. Some people volunteered and some people didn’t know, so that was great. Diddy volunteered. Diddy gave me points on Last Train To Paris ’cause he used Auto-Tune,” Pain continued. It’s on video. I still have the video on a hard drive right now of Diddy writing a contract on a napkin in the studio saying he was gonna give me a point on Last Train To Paris and we both signed it.”

T-Pain no longer receives checks for new auto-tune users.

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