20-year-old Robert Cosby, Jr. lives in his mother, Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star Mary Cosby, in her Utah mega mansion.
But the young man is seemingly up to NO GOOD as Media take Out learned that he has been seen all over social media, plashing guns and taking dr*ga.
Mary has spoken out openly babout her son, on the Bravo show, where she explained to viewers that she “doesn’t really know what Robert and his wife [Alexiana Cosby] are up to because we kind of have our own wings.”
Mary’s so unaware, in fact, that she didn’t;’t know that Robert and Alexiana secretly got married in August of 2022.
Mary’s land her son Robert were charged in 2021 with counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and unlawfully providing shelter to a runaway – Roberts now wife Alexandria, who was 16 at the time. The charges were later dismissed.
Both Robert and Alexiana have numerous posts featuring what appears to be marijuana, prescription codeine syrup, and pills. And given the background of the images, the drugs and guns appear to be in Mary Crosby’s house!!!
Utah does allow for medical marijuana use ONBLY if you have a medical cannabis registration cards. It’s not clear that Robert or his wife possess any such card.
Under current Utah law, possession of as little as an ounce or less of marijuana can result in a six-month jail sentence.
And possession of codeine syrup, Oxycodone or perc pills without a prescription is also felony.