
Fans Petition Tory Lanez’s Guilty Verdict

Media Take Out Staff |

Several Tory Lanez fans have petitioned his guilty verdict ahead of sentencing. Last week, the rapper was found guilty on all three charges filed against him. He is currently facing up to 24 years in prison and deportation.

One of the petitions has been filed by Yasin Touré.

“Tory Lanez was found Guilty of all charges and it is a true miscarriage of justice! The state did not prove that Lanez undoubtedly committed any crime. Reasonable doubt loomed over a 10 day trial as the prosecution was unable to show us that there were not alternative explanations of the events. A circus of speculation, insufficient evidence, inconsistencies, and drunken memories left us without much moral certainty of any truth,” the petition reads.

He also implied that Roc Nation somehow influenced the verdict.

“This case is also about branding, marketing, label heads and a music industry that pushes narratives based on who they have personally invested millions into. Could Jay-Z or RocNation be involved?? The justice I want for Megan is for the full truth to come out, rather than the scrambled truth we are left with. Who really hurt Meg?”

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