A beautiful Black woman who went viral a few weeks ago on social media, for being a beautiful Home Depot worker just revealed that her life is now ruined, Media Take Out has learned.
The woman, who goes by the name Ariana went viral, after posting a mirror selfie taken at work, while wearing her Home Depot uniform. The image quickly went viral.
But becoming a viral sensation turned out to be a horrific experience for the beauty however.
According to Ariana, she’s been stalked and later “doxxed” by people on the internet. Ariana claims that stalker fans tracked her down – in her hometown – and exposed her address, exact Home Depot store location, phone number & full name.
The attention that she received online, and later at her job was too much. And less than a week after going viral, Ariana was forced to quit her job due to harassment & threatening phone calls.
It’s been so bad, according to the Home Depot beauty, that she now plans to relocate & start a new life.
But not all is lost. Ariana seems to have a positive outlook on what her new life holds. Says she hopes she can make lemonade out of the lemons of her life & build an online platform where she can share her faith, love of beauty & fashion .