
Uncle Luke Blasts Vlad TV Over Brother Marquis Interview

Media Take Out Staff |

Uncle Luke blasted Vlad TV in a video for its interview with Uncle Luke’s former group member Brother Marquis.

“These VladTV people…the folks at VladTV decided they wanted to interview Brother Marquis of 2 Live Crew. When you have trash organizations like VladTV where they go find people at their weakest moments knowing these people aren’t equipped to do an interview,” Luke says.

“But they’ll do the interview and ask them all kinds of crazy ass questions because they have some venom about where they’re at in their life, their career and the things that they didn’t do to take care of themselves when they were getting money.”

Luke alluded to taking legal action against Brother Marquis.

“I don’t even know where you find VladTV,” he continued. “[I] don’t know nothing about it. But all I know is when I get one too many friends texting me something that this guy said, I then have to address it because again like I said, I don’t run from no smoke.”

Here’s the interview that got him so heated.

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