
Tyrese Claims His Ex-Wife Wife Hit Him w/ A Cease & Desist Letter!!

Media Take Out Staff |

Tyrese’s ex-wife has hit with a cease and desist letter and wants him to stop talking about her in the media.

“I was just sent a cease and desist letter from my ex-wife’s lawyer. Where do you get the balls? Do you know what it’s like to go two straight years and have everybody that loves you, everybody who has your back, including your attorney to tell you: don’t say nothing, don’t defend yourself, don’t clear your name, don’t speak on it, we’re gonna present it in court!” he said of Samantha Lee Gibson.

Tyrese says he has a right to clear his name.

“She claims that I kicked her out of the house with my one-year-old baby, changed all the locks at the house and cut off the credit cards.”

Tyrese says she’s dragging out the divorce and has been telling lie after lie about him. In August, he was ordered to pay her $10k a month in child support.

He recently reconciled with his girlfriend, Zelie Timothy, after calling her a snake on social media weeks back.

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