
Todd Chrisley  Shoots Down Gay Affair Claims

Media Take Out Staff |

Todd Chrisley shot down a few shocking claims made against him during an episode of Todd’s “Chrisley Confessions” podcast.

Since his prison sentencing, allegations have surfaced that he had an affair with his former business partner Mark Braddock.

“What’s insulted me the most is that, out of all these 54 years, for me to finally be accused of being with a man, it would be someone who looked like Mark Braddock,” he said. “A toad. Someone that looks like a thumb. Someone who says he’s only had sex with his wife and me.”

Todd added: “Let me tell you something. I could understand if you’d have had sex with me, it would [make] you crazy. I get that. There have been many who have been [dick-mitized] by your daddy.”

The allegations were made by Braddock who the Chrisley alleged committed crimes behind their back. Todd was sentenced to 12 years in prison while Julie was sentenced to seven years.

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