
Sukihana Responds To Topless Performance Backlash!!

Lyndon Abioye |

Sukihana responded to backlash after performing topless at a recent show.

The rapper posted a picture of Swedish singer Tove Lo alongside a video clip of her topless performance and posted a message to her fans.

“Here are 2 free spirited performers. 1 is celebrated and the other received backlash the reason is because one is white and one is black. When it comes to color one is considered a hippie the other is a hoodrat. It’s really not right so when I say I feel colorism I mean it,” she wrote.

Some agreed with her tweets but one of her followers did say that the rapper is a little “hood.” Sukihana responded:

“I am hood I can’t help where I was born but I am free spirited. I am sexually liberated. I walk around with no bra and no shoes. When white people do it they are hippies and boho. I am a hippie too people don’t even know I’m my real life I wear fairy ears.”

Is she right?

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