
Styles P On Young Rappers Continue Signing Bad Deals

Lyndon Abioye |

The LOX rapper Styles P has weighed in on the reason young, up and coming rappers keep signing crappy deals.

“What are they going to do? Not sign a deal?” he said. “It’s really simple, you’re going to sign a deal or you’re not going to sign a deal. You’re going to take your shot or not take your shot.”

He then spoke out The LOX’s earlier deal.

“The time we came up, we would’ve been f-cking idiots to not sign a deal. You take the deal, you do what you gotta do and you move on. You know, you make the best of it.”

He added that their advance was decent.

“Do you not do that and just say, ‘Nah, it’s not good enough,’ and then wait for another window of opportunity to come when you may have seen 20 windows of opportunities already? Now, that bad deal’s there but you have a chance to get in front of things. You just gotta take the bad deal,” he said.

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