
Stephen A. Smith Blasts Kyrie Irving As ‘Delusional’

Media Take Out Staff |

Stephen A. Smith went off on Kyrie Irving again in a public rant.

“We are witnessing one of the most delusional athletes in American history. He is lost. He is so big on telling everybody else they’re lost. Kyrie is also slick. Because he’s trying to get away with something I’m not going to allow him to get away from,” Smith said in response to Irving’s tweets.

Irving thinks some media personalities are profiting off negative stories.

“You can try to paint this issue, Kyrie, into anything you want. What it comes down to and what everybody is focusing on is you don’t want to show up for work. You want to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, how you want to do it, while you’ve got your hand out for somebody else’s money. And then when you get called on it, we’re the peons. We’re the ones who are puppets. So before you excoriated us. Now you are pitying us. Because what you want to do is highlight the puppet masters who you are worth billions to. You’re not worth billions, bro. Millions, yes. Billions, no. That’s delusional. You gave that up years ago.”

Who’s in the wrong here?

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