
Siohvaughn Wade RESPONDS To Dwyane Wade’s Attacks … ‘I’m Protecting My Child’!!

Media Take Out Staff |

Siohvaughn Wade and her ex husband Dwyane Wade are in the midst of a bitter battle, over whether to allow their son/daughter Zaya Wade, who identifies as transgender – to legally change gender from male to female.

Dwyane Wade filed legal documents over the summer asking a court to grant Zaya the right to change gender, without his mother’s permission.

This week, Siohvaughn filed legal documents asking the court to block the gender change, until Zaya turns 18, Media Take Out reported.

Dwyane – after seeing the documents – issued a lengthy statement where he BLASTED Siohvaughn for being an absent mother, who didn’t care about Zaya’s well being.

Now Siohvaughn has responded. Her team sent a lengthy statement to Media Take Out. In it she says that “countless full-grown famous adults” have suffered “severe consequences” from anxiety and depression — including taking their own lives — as a result of “public pressure and scrutiny.”

She continued:

“I have both the mandate and privilege of protecting my children from these tragic events, well as the myriad of other negative things that have a tendency to impact those living in the limelight.”

Then she took the high road, saying:

“They, too, like many other children, have experienced the excruciating pain and unique challenges that children suffer when their parents are divorced. I will not add to that pain by now responding publicly with malicious, or hate-filled, comments to Dwyane, despite his decision to say these harmful untruths about me, and despite the fact that I never went to the media or public about these sensitive private family matters affecting our minor child.”

She added:

“I’m by no means a perfect parent but I love my children with perfect unconditional love. I will also continue to do what the laws of this land allow me to do as a parent with the parental right and power under the constitution in courts of law and not the court of public opinion.”

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