
Republican Talking Head Candace Owens Releases Baby Shower Pics . . . Has Only ONE Black Friend!! (Pics)

Media Take Out Staff |

Controversial conservative commentator Candace Owens, 32, and her husband, George Farmer, are expecting a second child together. The pair, who already have a 13-month-old son, held their baby shower this weekend, Media Take Out confirmed.

Pictures from Candace’s baby shower were released, and they quickly became the talk of the day on Black Twitter. Many onlookers pointed out that it appears that only one Black person was in attendance.

Some on Black Twitter were surprised that even ONE Black person was there, while others were upset at the lack of diversity within her friend circle.

Here are the images:

In an interview with The Daily Wire during her first pregnancy, Candace explained how prospective motherhood affected her outlook and priorities.

“In a way, pregnancy has better focused me … many of these debates are no longer just political for me—they’re personal,” she said. “The stakes seem much higher when you are starting a family.”

“You realize that whatever decisions we land upon as a society will have real implications for your child’s future. Will my child grow up in the same America that I grew up in, with the same opportunities? I have a lot of anxiety about the answer to that question, which is being determined now.”

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