
R&B Singer Kehlani MOLESTED During UK Performance!!

Media Take Out Staff |

R&B Singer Kehlani claims she was sexually assaulted during a performance in the UK.

The singer hopped on Instagram to share that fans grabbed her genitals during a raunchy performance. Kehlani warned fans that while her music may be sexual, people do not have permission to assault her.

“I’ve made video after video after video and deleted it because i don’t want any video of me as angry, triggered, crying upset as i am anywhere,” she wrote of her Manchester performance. “i don’t care how sexual you deem my music, my performances, my fun with my friends dancing at clubs, or ME….

She continued, “that does not give any of you the right to cross a boundary like sticking your hands up my skirt & pulling my underwear to TOUCH MY GENITALS as i am being escorted through a crowd after performing.”

Kehlani added: “this sh-t made me sick to my stomach. as a victim of sexual assault, i am endlessly triggered and mindblown.”

She deleted the post from her social media.

Fans responded to the posts with words of support for the star.

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