
Rapper Saucy Santana Gets UPSET . . . When The DJ Mistakes Him For Rick Ross!! (Storms Off Stage)

Media Take Out Staff |

Saucy Santana is an openly gay rapper who is blowing up on the charts. But yesterday he had a public meltdown on stage.

That’s because the makeup wearing rapper was mistaken – by his DJ – for Rick Ross. It’s not clear whether the “mistake” was truly a mistake, or a prank – Media Take Out confirmed.

Here’s what went down. Saucy had been having issues with the other rappers and DJs on tour with him (he’s currently on tour with Big Latto), whom he felt were “bullying” him.

Yesterday during a set – the DJ called him Rick Ross in front of the crowd, and the crowd burst into laughter. Well Media take Out learned that “mistake” caused Saucy to FLIP OUT – and he attacked the DJ by throwing water on him. The water damaged the DJ’s equipment and the show had to be cancelled.


Here’s Saucy explaining why he did it:

Saucy Santana is a confusing figure in hip hop. Because of his choice for dress, nails, heels and makeup many fans are confused as to his gender. But Saucy has told the media that he is not a transgender and that his natural gender is “male.” At 17 he announced that he is gay.

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