
Ramona Singer Denies Reports Eboni K. Williams Was Blackballed By Cast

Media Take Out Staff |

Ramona Singer has denied reports that Eboni K. Williams, the only Black Housewife, was blackballed by the rest of the cast.

“What happened was, if you see the last episode, we really came together as a team, as a cast, and I really wish that happened earlier where Eboni finally loosened up,” Ramona said on the “Reality with the King” podcast.

“She likes to write things in the press, and the PR department couldn’t control her,” Ramona said of why they all turned on Eboni. “She would say things and give interviews that she shouldn’t have given, and she’d say things she shouldn’t have said that really were hurtful, not really truthful. It was her viewpoint, but it made us feel not good because we’re a team.”

Ramona says she was hurt after being labeled a racist.

“You can call me unfiltered, not polite, always in a rush. I forget people’s names, you know. Yes, I’m all of those. But one thing I’m not – I’m not a racist. The press picked that up and they had a field day.”

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