
R. Kelly’s Trying To Get Supreme Court To Throw Out Convictions

Tiffany Brockworth |

R. Kelly’s attorney is trying to get the United States Supreme Court to throw out his convictions for possession of child porn and inducing minors to have sex.

Kelly was sentenced in Chicago to 20 years in prison in February 2023 on charges of child pornography and enticement of minors for sex and just months later, he was convicted to 30 years in prison for racketeering and sex trafficking charges based out of New York.

His team say that the cases linked to his Chicago convictions past the statute of limitations so his sentence should be thrown out.

The “PROTECT Act of 2003” is an historic milestone for our nation’s children. The Justice Department will dedicate the full force of our nation’s resources against those who victimize our nation’s youth. Important coordinated law enforcement information, fast law enforcement response, and swift and sure penalties can work to protect our children. The PROTECT Act comprehensively strengthens law enforcement’s ability to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish violent crimes committed against children.

“Because Congress did not expressly state that the PROTECT Act should apply retroactivity and even rejected a version of the bill that included a retroactive provision, the PROTECT Act did not extend the statute of limitations and Defendant was convicted of time-barred offenses,” Kelly’s attorney wrote in the petition.

The petition has been filed, but the Supreme Court can decide whether to hear the case or not.

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