
Prominent Pastor Declares Beyonce ‘She Sold Her Soul’ … Claims That Bey Is ‘GOING TO HELL’!!

Media Take Out Staff |

Beyonce is being blasted by a prominent Atlanta Pastor, for the lyrics to her new song Church Girl. The pastor claims that the song is evidence that Beyonce “sold her soul to the devil,” Media Take Out has learned.

The pastor explained, “Beyonce just released sacrilege … somebody done sold their soul to the devil.”

“When you sell your soul to the devil, you end up on the short end of the stick. Because you only got so long to live.”

And then the pastor offered his insight on where Bey will go once she transitions out of this world, suggesting that she will be sent straight to hell. “When [Beyonce] leaves here, when she’s gone … she’s going to be there forever.”

The pastor then directed his ire at her song Church Girl. “This piece of trash that was released, and she named it Church Girl.”

The bishop claims that he’s not able to recite the specific lyrics to his congregation because they were “so filthy.”


Here’s the hook from Bey’s song Church Girl:

I’ll drop it like a thotty, drop it like a thotty
I said, now pop it like a thotty, pop it like a thotty (you bad)
Mi seh, now drop it like a thotty, drop it like a thotty (you bad)
Church girls actin’ loose, bad girls actin’ snotty (you bad)

Doesn’t sound too bad, right. Well there are a few lines that the pastor takes issue to. One lyric, Beyonce talks about being “on the other side” and “smiling.” Look:

I’m finally on the other side, I finally found the urge to smile
Swimmin’ through the oceans of tears we cried (tears that we’ve cried)
You know you got church in the morning (the morning)
But you’re doin’ God’s work, you’re goin’ in
She ain’t tryna hurt nobody
She is tryna do the best she can
Happy on her own, with her friends, without a man

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