
Mrs. Netta Walks Back Disrespectful Comments About Black Women…” I Didn’t Mean It The Way They Took It”

Lyndon Abioye |

Mrs. Netta hopped back on live to walk back her comments about Black women not being as smart as white women.

“I ain’t tryna be no motherf-cking Black woman ’cause I can say some of the baddest things about some Black a-s women that I know…If that’s the case, I want to be a white woman because they more smarter…ya’ll act so d-mn ignorant and act like ya’ll don’t know how to get sh-t,” she said at the time on live stream.

Mrs. Netta went on to say that white women do not disrespect her and her hsuabnd Charles on social media and that white women stay out of her business.

After getting dragged online, the Tik Tok star backtracked.

“I didn’t mean it the way they took it. The way I said I said it, maam, is that I don’t like all Black womens that don’t like me,” she told her followers.

She was challenged about her remarks on the livestream, agreeing that she did make the controversial statements several times, admitting that she “might have said it wrong” the first time.

The fans are not buying it.

“There is NO defending herself. She said what she said. Stand on it!,” one follower wrote.

“they way we took it?!? ain’t no other way to take it but as disrespect,” another wrote.

Watch the clip above.

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