
Monica SLAMS Ray J For Saying She Should Tour w/Brandy… “Stop Speaking on Me in Public”

Tiffany Brockworth |

Monica hopped on Instagram Story to tell Ray J to stop mentioning her name in public after he said he thinks his sister Brandy should go on tour with her.

“Brandy/Monica Tour – please let’s make history,” he posted on social media last week. “One run for the fans – 100M plus for both of you.”

After Ray J’s post, fans went crazy, begging the ladies to go on tour but it seems they are not interested in the idea…or at least, not until she has a contract.

“I’ve been repeatedly contacted about interviews where my name and tour possibilities are being discussed,” Monica wrote on Instagram Story.

She continued, “I’ve not received any contracts or calls about said tour. Ray J – I’m kindly asking you to stop speaking on me in public! A private conversation would be both necessary and respectful! Brandy is a LEGEND! She’s one of one with an extensive catalog that I deeply respect and a voice sent from heaven! The conversation being had without she and I is beginning to muddy the waters severely!”

Monica contnued, careful not to disrespct Brandy or start any further drama, telling Ray J that any conversations around such a tour should be had in private.

“She and I are both consummate professionals that share a massive recording as well as an entire era! Please allow this to remain positive and beautiful! Neither should open, we should give someone else that opportunity and co-headline a massive shared stage if this is to ever happen! Any further convo should be private,” she concluded.

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