
Million Dollars Worth Of Game Gille Da Kid’s Son SHOT & KILLED In Philadelphia … Hit IN THE BACK!

Lyndon Abioye |

The 25 year old son of rapper Gillie Da Kid was shot and killed last night in Philadelphia, Media Take Out has learned.

The young man, who went by the name YNG Cheese was reportedly shot in the back, as he fled gunshots in the city’s Olney neighborhood on Thursday night.

According to police, YNG Cheese and two friends were approached by multiple gunmen, when Gillie’s son and his friends tried to run away, the 25-year-old man was shot as he ran from the scene and collapsed a block away. He was pronounced dead at the hospital, Media Take Out confirmed.

YNG’s two friends were also hit, but will likely survive. A 28-year-old man was shot twice in the leg and a 31-year-old man was shot once in the hip. Both have been placed in stable condition.

So far police say they have no leads on the shooters, and no one is talking to them at all.

YNG Cheese is the eldest son of Gillie Da Kid, born Nasir Fard, is a popular figure in Philly’s underground hip hop scene and was also a member of the local hip hop group Major Figgas. Gillie currently hosts “Million Dollaz Worth of Game,” a weekly podcast with social media influencer and Philly native Wallo267.

Walls posted a tribute to his little cousin on his Instagram this morning.


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