
Medical Professionals On Twitter Are Speculating Whether Chrisean’s Baby Has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome!

Lyndon Abioye |

Media Take Out learned that at least a half dozen people on Twitter who claim to be “medical professionals” including nurses are speculating whether Chrisean Rock’s newborn son has fetal alcohol syndrome.

It’s horrible …. but that’s exactly what Twitter is, a horrible place.

Media Take Out has received no information that would lead us to suspect that the boy was born with any ailment. That hasn’t stopped the speculation to be rampant on Twitter however.

It all started when Chrisean posted a photo of her son, for her fans to see the newborn.

That’s when the comments became filled with “medical professionals” who gave their opinion, based on a heavily filtered photograph.


Fetal alcohol syndrome is a group of conditions that can occur in a person who is exposed to alcohol as a result of their mother drinking during pregnancy. Symptoms can include an abnormal appearance, short height, low body weight, small head size, poor coordination, behavioral problems, learning difficulties, and problems with hearing and sight.

Those affected are more likely to have trouble with school, the legal system, alcohol, other drugs, and other areas of high risk.

Rumors of Chrisean allegedly drinking while pregnant were started by her babys father Blueface, who accused Chrisean of getting drunk in Miami shortly after she announced her pregnancy.

The rapper posted a video showing Chrisean enjoying herself at the club, and claimed that she was “drunk” in the videos. Here are the tweets.

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