
Martin Lawrence: Chris Rock Didn’t Deserve To Be Slapped By Will Smith!!

Media Take Out Staff |

Comedian Martin Lawrence spoke about the infamous Oscars slap during a recent interview with The Art of Dialogue. Lawrence is close to both men involved in the incident.

“Well, it hurt me to see that happen,” said Lawrence. “Because I know both of them. Both of them are my brothers.”

Lawrence continued, “And when it happened, I text both of them after it happened, just to see how they were doing and everything. But, it was just an unfortunate situation. You know, Will wasn’t in the right space that night and Chris Rock didn’t deserve that. So, it’s such an unfortunate situation,” he added. “It’s like seeing your brothers fightin’ and you don’t want to see your brothers fightin’. Chris Rock didn’t deserve that at all.”

Smith apologized to Rock who did not accept his apology. Smith was banned from the Academy for 10 years and has been shunned by many of his peers for the violent attack.

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