
Keylin Perez Crowned First Latina To Win Miss Coppin State (a HBCU) – Met w/ Backlash Online!!

Jacqueline Thomas |

Coppin State University, a popular historically Black University in the city of Baltimore held its annual Miss Coppin State beauty pageant yesterday, and Media Take Out confirmed that the winner is a Latina named Keylin Perez.

Keylin is coming under a pretty brutal attack online – especially by Black Twitter – for not being “Black enough” to be crowned Miss Coppin State. The attacks were so bad, that the University has been forced to put out a statement supporting the young college student.

Media Take Out reached out o the HBCU for comment and here’s what Coppin State sent to us:

As we know, to be in leadership on a campus is to face the judgement of those near and far, it takes God and a confidence in oneself like no other to carry such a weight. My heart goes out to Keylin Perez, the 91st Miss Coppin State University, and any student who has been judged, belittled or mistreated simply because they were considered “not Black enough” to uphold an HBCU leadership title.

To my beautiful brothers and sisters of color that stand on the thrones, sit in the classrooms, and walk the halls our ancestors bled and led us to currently reside. Remember their sacrifice: remember their endless love devoted to this very moment in history, to our education, and to the classrooms of which hold a multitude of ethnicities and skin tones that all reflect the unity of which many eyes never got to sec.

Don’t be the person who cannot relate no you do not try to understand: we are NOT our oppressors!

Imagine being -too light” for one group but “not white enough” for the other.

HBCUs all over the world embody the inclusion and safe space for us all to further our education and broaden our identities with the support, love, and family adopted the moment you step on our campuses.

To all the victims out there, know that you are not alone and although it is easy to focus on the ones trying to tear you down, know that there is a much higher percentage of those rooting for you.

Together we fight. Together we love. Together we uplift PHBCUunity

Heres pictures of the new Miss Coppin State:

Here’s just a sample of what’s going on on Black Twitter:

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