
Real Housewives Of Atlanta Star Kenya Moore STILL MARRIED … Explains Reveals Divorce Delay Details

Lyndon Abioye |

In her recent sitdown with Carlos King, Atlanta Housewife Kenya Moore explained why she has still not gotten a divorce from estranged husband Marc Daly.

“He wants me to pay his bills and some payment no one understands what the payment is for, but that’s not holding up the divorce because I would pay him whatever to go away. He is trying to undo my rights to Brooklyn when it comes to TV appearances because he is now doing a reality TV show,” Kenya said.

Kenya doesn’t believe he is fighting her because he really wants to be a father to their daughter.

“Well, he was allegedly upset because this is a man who hasn’t seen his daughter for a total of two days in two years. So what he’s trying to do is trump up charges so he can have me sign off on her appearing in his show and that is what has held up the divorce because if it was other things I’d sign off. You want this money? Here, I’ll make more,'” she adds. “He was trying to take my rights to Brooklyn when it comes to TV appearances because he wants her to be on the show.”

Watch the interview above.

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