Kanye West responded to Stephen Jackson who roasted him for coming for the family of George Floyd.
“My name is Ye Stephen I gave 2 million to the family, then Roxie threatened to sue me because I gave a different perspective I been going light actually I got suspended from instagram for 30 days for my truth I’m a digital prisoner right now but If you keep talking ima keep talking if you shut the f-ck up I’ll leave it alone,” Kanye wrote on right wing social media app, Parler.
Jackson has not responded.
Ye’s comments were in response to a video Jackson posted on social media.
“Nobody asked you to say nothing about George Floyd, but you decided to say that on your own, so you gon’ pay the consequences. Roxanne was minding her business, Gianna was minding her business. Oh, and also, Roxanne and Gianna and the family is two different people. She don’t stand with the family and the family don’t stand with her. They had different lawyers during the whole court process,” he said.
“Kanye delusional. You didn’t give Gianna $2 million. She got $250,000 that they broken down through the families that Roxanne is giving back to you.”