
Joe Biden Trips & Falls On Stage In Colorado!!

Tiffany Brockworth |

President Joe Biden made headlines after he tripped and fell onstage at an event in Colorado.

Biden tripped on a sandbag while handing out diplomas at a graduation ceremony for the US Air Force Academy.

“There was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands,” White House communications director Ben LaBolt wrote on Twitter. “He’s fine.”

Biden, the nation’s oldest serving president at 80, quickly got back on his feet.

“I got sandbagged!” he joked at the White House later that day.

Well, former president Donald Trump could not wait to remark on Biden’s fall.

“I hope he wasn’t hurt. That’s not inspiring,” he said. “You got to be careful about that because you don’t – you don’t want that. Even if you have to tip toe down the ramp.”

Trump has often questioned whether Biden is fit enough to be president. The incident is not the first time Biden has taken a tumble since becoming president.

Biden fell off a bicycle near his Delaware beach last year after greeting reporters with a wave. He cited “toe cages” as the reason for his fall.

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