
Here’s The REAL TEA … On Podcaster Joe Bidden Getting Jumped … What Happened And WHY!!!

Lyndon Abioye |

Over the weekend, Media Take Out broke the news that rapper and popular podcaster Joe Bidden was reportedly jumped while at a popular New York st**p club. Now that the dust has settled, we have some details on what happened. and why.

Joe Budden

First off, Joe didn’t get jumped. According to Joe Burden and others at the club, Joe got into an altercation with one man. Word on the street is that Joe walked by the man, and he punched Joe in the face. Joe then tried to fight back, and depending on who you believe – he may or many not have gotten washed.

Joe spoke out about the incident, Media Take Out confirmed. He claims that someone sucker punched him in the club. According to Joe, he tried to fight back, but was unable to get proper footing because he was wearing Ugg boots, and there was a bunch of liquid on the ground – which made it difficult for him to stand up without slipping.


But there’s another side to the mess.

Another popular podcaster, Zip With The Drip, claims that he spoke with the man who got into it with Joe. Zip With The Drip explained that the man who popped on Joe was a close acquaintance of podcaster Taxstone.

Joe Burden and Taxstone have had beef now for over a decade. Before the two men were able to squash their beef, Taxstone was arrested and convicted of multiple crimes and sentenced to 35 years in prison.

Since arriving in prison, Taxstone has made quite a name for himself behind the walls, Zip With The Drip claims. And Taxstone has been dolling out favors to other people incarcerated with him.

Joe Burden recently did an interview where he revived the beef with Taxstone. He went on a nearly 3 minute long tirade against the incarcerated Tax, and ended it by saying that Tax can “s** his d***” – one of the worst insults you can give to a New York street dude.

That’s the backstory. Now to Joe getting his bottle popped.

The man who attacked Joe was one of Taxstone’s close acquaintances from prison. Zip With The Drip explained that Taxstone helped the man during a prison fight – and the man wanted to return the favor to Tax, by popping Joe in the face.

On Saturday night, Zip with The Drip claims that the man saw Joe in the club – and punched him in the face. But unlike what Joe says, Zip claims that the two men then started to fight, and the man knocked Joe on his butt more than once.

Listen to Zip explain it, in his own words:

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