
Feds Seize R Kelly’s $28k Prison-Inmate Account!!

Media Take Out Staff |

R. Kelly’s prison-inmate account has been seized. According to Bloomberg, the account had more than $28k in it and was mostly from the disgraced singer’s fans.

The account was seized because Kelly reportedly owed more than $140,000 in court-ordered fines.

Prosecutors claimed “that the defendant had accumulated substantial funds in his inmate trust account,” so the Bureau of Prisons froze his money, leaving him with just $500.

“After seizing his funds, [the government] decided to file a motion to confiscate his trust account money. You’re supposed to do that BEFORE you take the money,” Kelly’s attorney Jennifer Bonjean tweeted,

Last September, Kelly was convicted on 9 counts, including one charge of racketeering and 8 counts of violations of the Mann Act, a sex trafficking law. In June, Kelly was sentenced to 30 years in prison following his conviction last year on federal racketeering and sex trafficking charges.

The singer still claims he is innocent.

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