
Fat Joe Breaks Silence On PnB Rock’s Death

Media Take Out Staff |

Fat Joe has weighed in on the savage killing of PnB Rock.

“The man died ’cause they are some guys that hate the world and killed him for no reason. They didn’t have to take that little girl’s father,” he said on Instagram Live.

Rock was robbed for his jewelry before being fatally shot at Roscoe’s Chick and Waffles in South Los Angeles.

“It is what is. Black on Brown crime. Black and Black crime. Brown on Brown crime. It is what it is and it’s disgusting. We know how hard it is to get out of that situation, to lift yourself and your life can be taken like that. We only get one life.”

Fat Joe says he understands the mentality as he is from the streets but that the killings are unnecessary.

“Every gang leader, every real guy, every OG of the world, can you all do that for me? Can you do this? Stick ’em up. Don’t kill him — not in front of that Black woman, that Black baby, not in that iconic restaurant. Roscoes’ is the best chicken in the world.”

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