Empire actor Bryshere Gray is going viral again. Yesterday Media Take Out told you that graphic videos of the actor began popping up on his Twitter. And that the actor appeared to have set up an Only***s page.
Well the rumors got even CRAZIER last night, when a video purporting to show Bryshere having intimate relations with a “woman” showed up on the actor’s official Twitter feed. Eventually the video was deleted, but not before thousands of people saw it.
But things got even crazier. Folks on Twitter began speculating that the “woman” in the video was really a transgender s** worker.
Here’s the trans-girl that people are saying was in Bryshere’s video. While Media Take Out has not been able to confirm that it’s her in the video – they two look very similar, have the same hair, and are wearing the same distinct necklace.
She has some pretty graphic images of herself gobbling sausages all over her Twitter page.
Bryshere’s life has been spiraling out of control ever since the series Empire was cancelled. As Media Take Out has been reported, Bryshere is believed to be suffering from possible mental health challenges. He’s had multiple run ins with the law recently …. and now this.