
Cardi B Recounts The Time Offset First Heard About Takeoff’s Murder

Media Take Out Staff |

Cardi B opened up about the time her husband Offset first found out about Takeoff’s murder.

“We were in bed. We were supposed to go to LaLa [Anthony]’s party in New York, and my daughter threw up all over my costume. Halloween was over ’cause it was just so much throw-up on the custome and I ain’t have nothing to wear,” she said on Jason Lee’s podcast.v “So we just fell asleep, and out of nowhere, Offset’s phone kept ringing, my phone kept ringing.”

She said Offset answered the phone, and she heard him screaming “No!” over and over again.

“I’m like, ‘What’s going on?’ And he’s like, ‘TakeOff is dead.’ I smacked him and said, ‘Don’t say that!’ And then he’s just like screaming and throwing things, throwing up, running all over. And I was so scared, I was crying so much. It was terrible.” Cardi added, “It was just such a sensitive time in my home,” she said. “I just feel like everything was so triggering, like any little bad thing, any little diss, any little whatever the crap to me was just so triggering. It was a lot.”

Offset has not spoken in length about how Takeoff’s passing has affected him.

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