
Cardi B Claims She ‘Wanted To Be Dead’ In New Interview

Media Take Out Staff |

Cardi B sat down with Hollywood Unlocked’s Jason Lee where she spoke about the online harassment from trolls.

“I’m afraid to be vulnerable because people wanna say, ‘Oh, you looking for sympathy,'” she said. “In 2019, I really…I felt like I was like, somebody dead inside a body. I kept telling people, ‘I just wanna die, I just wish I was dead, I wanna be dead.'”

She said even her husband tried to get her mind off the online bullying but it was very difficult.

“People from my management was calling me. It was really bad. It’s terrible when people are making fun of you.”

During the Tasha K lawsuit, she was accused of having Herpes which was disproven.

“I wasn’t a celebrity,” she added. “I was somebody that really wanted to be dead. It just made me cry. It was a point that I felt like I was so weak of a person that I was [too] weak to be a mom.”

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