
Boosie Badazz Still Heartbroken Over Trouble’s Murder

Media Take Out Staff |

Weeks later, Boosie Badazz is still hurt over the killing of Atlanta rapper Trouble.

“I cried for hours straight on the plane in my daughter’s lap, my six-year-old’s lap,” he told Vlad. “It was so sad bruh, I’m crying in my six-year-old’s lap. She kept saying, ‘What’s wrong daddy?’ And all I could think about in my head was him and his daughter. That’s all I could think about, him and his daughter, and me dying and my daughter hurting. That’s all I could think about, crying on my daughter.”

Jarmichael Jones, the alleged killer of rapper Trouble, turned himself in to the cops in June. A warrant was issued for his arrest. Cops eventually tracked him to his mother’s home where they talked to him on the phone and convinced him to turn himself in.

“He knew he was gonna kill Trouble, then,” Boosie said. “As soon as he saw that Corvette down there. When he saw that yellow Corvette, bro, down at the first parking spot right by his bitch house, he already knew. That’s why he kicked that door, he knew he was gonna kill him.”

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