
Bobby Brown: I Was Molested By A Priest . . . After It Was Over . . . Bobby Says He ‘Punched The Priest’!

Media Take Out Staff |

Bobby Brown made a shocking claim about his childhood. The singer says he was molested by a priest.

Brown revealed the incident in an upcoming documentary and new reality TV series.

“When my mother was arrested, I was sent to temporary custody by social services which was supposed to be a religious place,” he said. “It was not a nice place to be as a child. One of the priests tried to molest me. He tried to touch my private parts. There was no penetration or anything. He touched my privates and I didn’t like that. I punched and kicked and punched some more until he got away from me; so I ran away from there as quickly as possible.”

“At that time I was a young boy I didn’t know what sexual boundaries were. I just knew I didn’t like being touched. Some things are hard to forget,” said Brown.

Brown’s mother reportedly told him not to harm the priest after the incident.

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