Julius de Boer has been Beyonce’s bodyguard for the past decade. Media Take Out confirmed that he gets paid close to seven figures a year, to keep Beyonce and Jay Z safe.
But Julius is slowly coming out of his shell. We confirmed that yesterday Julius attended a private celebrity and socialite event at the home of Beverly Hills socialite Ginny Wright, the CEO od Audemars Piquet.
The event was sponsored by the luxury watch brand Audemars Piquet, and Julius – who was there as a guest and not security – was gifted a brand new watch.
The handsome 6 foot 9 inch tall Julius spent much of the night talking with executives at the watch brand about his new watch. And when he wasn’t talking with the Audemars folks, he was hob robbing with some o the wealthiest people in Hollywood.
We’re not sure if this means that we will be seeing more of Julius out on the circuit.