
Basketball Wives Royce Reed Arrested AGAIN … Running From The Cops!!

Media Take Out Staff |

Basketball Wives star Royce Reed was arrested on Friday near her home in Volusia County Florida, Media Take Out has learned.

What happened? Well, according to police Royce was pulled over for a minor traffic infraction. Police claim that they went behind her, and flashed their lights – but Royce refused to stop.

Officers claim that Royce made “evasive maneuvers” suggesting that she was trying to flee. They arrested the mother of one, and charged her with fleeing or attempting to elude an officer, a third degree felony. If convicted on the charges, the former Basketball Wives star faces up to five years in prison.

She was held and released on $2500 bail.

Here are the receipts:

This is not the first time that Royce was in trouble with the law. As Media Take Out reported, Royce, 41, was charged with a third-degree felony of neglect of a child on March 10, by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office in Florida.

The former reality star’s charge stems from inappropriate conduct her son allegedly had with Reed’s boyfriend’s son, who is also a minor.

Because a judge had previously ruled that Royce’s son wasn’t allowed to be around kids two years younger than him without adult supervision, Royce is being held accountable with the child neglect charge.

Court documents detailed that the child had a history of inappropriate interactions with other minors and was working through his issues with professionals at TrueCore Behavioral Solutions for over half a year now.

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