
Antonio Brown BLASTS Jay-Z For Performing At Tom Brady Event

Lyndon Abioye |

Antonio Brown slammed Jay-Z for not performing at any events for Hip-Hop’s 50th anniversary last year but showing up to perform at Brady’s Patriots Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

In the video clip, Jay is seen performing on stage as the crowd seems disinterested and chatting to each other, ignoring his performance.

“Jay didn’t perform at any Hip Hop 50 concerts last year where the fans would’ve known every word to his songs, but he makes time to get ignored by rich folks smh. #CTESPN,” AB tweeted.

Fans reacted in the comments section.

“AB that performance wasnt free im sure no less than 100k.. and Js fanbase is already solidified he doesnt even need new fans anymore…,” one follower wrote.

Another added, “Jay sold out years ago!! He love bending over for the rich white folks”

But others noticed that AB actually took the tweet from another user and passed it off as his own.

“You do know that you can just re-tweet the original post. You don’t have to try to pass it off as yourself,” a follower wrote.

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