
Aaron Carter’s Book Publisher Delays Release

Media Take Out Staff |

Aaron Carter was going to release his memoir before he passed away, but the publishers say they will now delay the release out of respect for the singer’s loved ones.

“Out of respect for the Carter family, my client has decided to defer the further release of the book at this time,” Scott Atherton, the attorney representing Ballast Books and author Andy Symonds, said in a statement to Page Six.

“Mr. Carter was not just a celebrity but also a father, a brother, a son, and a friend to many still grieving for him.”

The statement continued, “Public attention has recently focused on a small number of interactions during Mr. Carter’s early years. The more important story is about Mr. Carter’s life and what people can learn from his professional success, personal struggles, and tragic passing.”

Actress Hilary Duff recently slammed the publishers for wanting to capitalize on the singer’s death.

“It’s really sad that within a week of Aaron’s death there’s a publisher that seems to be recklessly pushing a book out to capitalize on this tragedy without taking appropriate time or care to fact check the validity of his work,” Duff, who dated Carter from 2001 to 2004, told E! News. “To water down Aaron’s life story to what seems to be unverified click-bait for profit is disgusting. In no way do I condone shedding any light on what is so obviously an uninformed, heartless money grab.”

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